Travel Styles
You are going to hear us talk a lot about ”styles”. Simply because we believe that there are so many of them in the travel world so naturally they are at the core of what we do. Our wild life experiences will most likely feature quite often in blogs as there are animals everywhere in this country and they all change depending on where you are.
Today was jam packed full of everything that anyone wanting a wild life experience would be after. Also everything we experienced today was wheelie tour accessible, How good is that! A Dolphin cruise on Jervis bay had us hanging over the side of a boat with a camera and our best Flipper vocal impersonations convinced us that the Dolphins understood every word we said. The bird life out on the bay was prolific as Pelicans tousled with Terns diving from the skies for fish that were schooling just below the surface. Back on land splashing in rock pools led us to loads of life in the tidal zones. A sunset stroll along a boardwalk over the mangroves unveiled a world of crustaceans feeding in the mud before the tide washed in again. You would think that things would quiet down as the sun set but no! Our attention was being fought for back at camp by a few resident Brush Tailed Possums that didn’t leave us alone the whole night.
Get out there people because these amazing experiences are happening everywhere.